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Where the Angry Birds of enterprise apps should land first

ITWC has a long tradition of making predictions about the technology trends for the coming year, but this time we decided to keep things short: About 15 seconds. My major prediction about the app space is shown here, but a full playlist is also available.

What I’m suggesting is that while IBM and Apple are clearly working hard to create useful mobile software for business, I think it may be a new entrant, a virtual unknown, who may wind up with the breakthrough tool for smartphones and tablets at work.

Although it may seem unlikely, I think the public sector is an ideal place for the Angry Birds of enterprise apps to flourish. For one thing, everyone from the federal government to the provinces and municipalities have been encouraging the use of open data to create more useful ways to share information. But the government is also a place that’s been working harder than ever to be seen as an “employer of choice.” What better way to establish yourself as a leader than to be the department, city or territory that offers staff something that’s not only helpful but fun to use?

This may be wishful thinking, but here’s hoping that someone in the government is as addicted to improving the delivery of citizen services as so many others are to Angry Birds.

photo credit: erinmariepage via photopin

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