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Digital Transformation Awards 2022: Digital Disruptor – BoomerangFX

For those unaware of a connection between the words “boomerang” and “healthcare,” meet BoomerangFX, a SaaS-based technology company that offers practice management solutions for non-insured private healthcare segments like dentistry, dermatology, and cosmetic surgery. But the winner of this year’s DX Award in the Digital Disruptor category is not just another software company.

“We’re the only solution in the market that offers integrated digital marketing,” said BoomerangFX Chairman & CEO Jerome Dwight. “That’s tied in with an end-to-end practice management platform that helps the medical practice continuously bring in new patients through our digital marketing solution, but then also manage that patient flow through dashboards that help to schedule patients, treat them.

“We have integrated healthcare records and drip marketing so that that those patients keep coming back through our marketing strategy. So it’s really an end-to-end practice management solution.”

Innovation is most often borne out of a desire to close a gap. BoomerangFX had a vision to bring efficiency to private healthcare companies – from med spas to vision, hair restoration and dermatology clinics.

“We identified the private health care market as one that was really ignored from a technological advancement or automation perspective,” said Dwight. “Our vision is to automate the inside of a private healthcare practice, and that’s a very broad vertical. It includes segments like dermatology, med spas, cosmetic, dental cosmetic, vision, hair restoration centers. These are all some of the fastest-growing categories inside healthcare, and there really is no end-to end solution that helps these medical practices grow and manage their business.”

BoomerangFX offers order – the promise of a seamless enterprise.

“Currently these medical practices are using disjointed solutions,” said Dwight. “They have multiple service providers that offer some elements of digital marketing, some elements of CRM, some elements of EMR. Usually those systems don’t talk to each other, and so our excitement about Boomerang is that we’re a one-stop solution that marries it all together, and with machine learning and AI it really helps these medical practices run smarter and more efficiently, and be more engaged with their customers.”

Dwight said the Digital Disruptor Award “represents the culmination of a lot of hard work from our leaders, from our team members, our board, and our investors who had the vision and the faith in helping us launch this business in the middle of a pandemic, and now see exponential growth all across North America.”

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