The need to improve materials handling, inventory management and asset management processes is driving use of wireless technologies in the manufacturing sector. But cost and complexity are keeping the pace of adoption slow, experts say.
Meet PERSI, your office Internet personal trainerPERSI is on a mission to help prevent repetivite strain injuries in office computer workers. She is an...
Although issues such as cost and security originally hindered the wide adoption of wireless solutions by many enterprises, today companies are saying that once you reel in the concerns around wireless, you never through them back
For the past 10 years, we've been influenced by progress in the telecommunications industry with cell phones, Blackberries, various personal digital assistants (PDAs) and the Internet.
Intel Corp.'s increasing focus on wireless technologies won't include the production of radio frequency identification (RFID) chips, said Intel President and Chief Operating Officer Paul Otellini Tuesday at Forrester Research Inc.'s Executive Strategy conference in Boston.