No, it won't suddenly cease to function, as anyone who booted it up after the end-of-support deadline of January 14 discovered. It works just fine after you get past the full-screen warning from Microsoft that you're now at risk since you're running an unsupported operating system. But it's not scaring businesses from using it.
Happy birthday to the web! Trust me, your thirties aren’t so bad. A petition signed by 250 scientists raises concerns about electromagnetic fields from...
The countdown has started, Saturday marks only 500 days until Microsoft stops supporting the world’s most popular operating system, Windows 7 according to a...
According to Spiceworks, enterprises are ignoring the security risks associated with operating "dead" software such as Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
IT departments are always slower to start the expensive migration to a new OS, and while Windows 7 does have a looming expiry date, Windows 10 adoption will take time