The issue of power has always been a problem for wireless technology, but a panel connected to a generator unit may be able to fuel devices for seven days without having to recharge the batteries
Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel Corp. and author of Moore's Law of CPU performance improvements, said Tuesday that he wishes Sun Microsystems Inc. would adopt the Intel architecture.
Intel Corp. opened up new doors to vendors that make blade servers Tuesday, offering a low-power server chip that allows them to pack two processors in each server.
Intel Corp.'s newest microprocessor, the next generation 2.2GHz version of its Pentium 4 chip, went on sale in Tokyo's Akihabara electronics district on Thursday afternoon, ahead of its official launch date in January.
Intel Corp. has made what it claims are the fastest silicon transistors ever built, and said its achievement shows that semiconductor performance can continue its rapid advance through the end of the decade without the need for radical changes in the way chips are manufactured.