In the heady days of the technology business, vendors could push products and leave CIOs to figure out how to make those products deliver business value.
eBay Canada, the little brother of the U.S.-based, has opened thendoors for technology vendors to sell their wares through the popular Webnauction site.
With so many technology vendors struggling to keep pace in a sluggish economy, some savvy IT executives are adding new protection clauses into licensing and outsourcing agreements to ensure smooth operations should a key technology or service provider go belly-up.
With so many technology vendors struggling to keep pace in a sluggish economy, some savvy IT executives are adding new protection clauses into licensing and outsourcing agreements to ensure smooth operations should a key technology or service provider go belly-up.
Telus has signed a $21-million agreement to acquire Mississauga, Ont.-based information technology infrastructure solutions provider, Arqana Technologies.