Through 2003/04, infrastructure consolidation will be driven by value-based portfolio management, but remain impaired by non-linear server pricing, immature tools, service-level priorities, chargeback, and organizational politics. Physical co-location and networked storage consolidation will be widespread during 2002/03. Premium high-end server pricing, coupled with immature partitioning and workload management, will hinder higher-level OS, DBMS, and application server consolidation for Unix (until 2003/04) and Windows (until 2005/06).
Storage managers cried out for interoperability, and behold, the storage management software platform was born! The concept of storage management heterogeneity is gaining traction in the vendor community courtesy of companies such as EMC Corp., TrueSAN Networks Inc., and Sun Microsystems Inc.. But some unfinished business remains that threatens to trap you in more dark proprietary corners.
Extreme caution is likely to pervade the corporate budgeting process for much of 2002 as executives ponder what's needed to bring enterprises out of the economic slump.