Astral Point Communications Inc. added Monday a new high-end member to its product line, a modular SONET system that combines dense wave division multiplexing, add/drop multiplexing and digital cross-connect capabilities.
Soon, 10-gigabit Ethernet is coming to a network near you, and it will change the way networks are built. While historically Ethernet has been used as an access technology, 10-gigabit Ethernet promises to be the simplest, fastest and most cost-effective aggregation and backbone network technology.
The synchronous optical network/synchronous digital hierarchy (SONET/SDH) standards for optical telecommunication networks are the most comprehensive means of implementing transport infrastructures. The increased configuration flexibility and bandwidth availability of SONET/SDH provides significant advantages over older telecommunication systems. However, as the data capacity of SONET/SDH fibre optic telecommunication networks increases, equipment manufacturers, network operators and end consumers would experience significant losses if a system were to fail.