Pandemics are not like other types of disasters. They have their own unique requirements when it comes to preparedness. These ten questions will help you determine if your organization is fit to fight off the effects of a global contagion
There are a number of specific areas companies should consider to minimize the risk exposure of their businesses and people during a pandemic. Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine your organization's disaster preparedness
A national study recently launched by the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) and the Canadian Police Research Centre (CPRC) is aiming to identify the technology, emergency preparedness and research needs of Canada's first responders.
After a simulated cyberattack exercise last winter, officials in charge of cybersecurity at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said they had identified eight areas they need to work on with the private sector to secure and respond to cyberattacks on the nation's critical infrastructures.
The implications of some form of viral outbreak or natural disaster could be dramatic. The 2020 Project of the U.S. National Intelligence Council identifies disease pandemic as the single most important threat to the global economy.