Articles Related to Patriot Act

FBI vs. Apple: how legislation struggles to keep pace with technology

Suspended court case could still have legal ramifications in Canada, where investment in cloud and security technology is catching up to the U.S.

Customer service software firm TOPdesk stakes Canadian turf

Eric Mal, the head of TOPdesk's new Canadian operation, sees some key differences between the US and Canadian IT markets.

Microsoft loses email case, gets chance to appeal

U.S. court rules it must hand over email held in Irish cloud servers

Tech Outlook: Keys to cloud security

Chaayanath (MK) Mysore, Vice President & Chief Information Officer for ADP Canada, says there's more to be concerned about than the Patriot act when...

Don’t let PIPEDA, Patriot Act hinder cloud adoption

An IDC Canada analyst thinks there could be more done to give a boost to cloud service providers, ultimately building out the Canadian cloud computing market to compete on the global stage. The issue expected to surpass security as a top cloud computing concern

Don’t use the Patriot Act as an excuse

Canadians are quick to use the U.S.A. Patriot Act as an excuse to avoid cloud computing, but they might not know many of the same laws already exist in Canada. Privacy lawyer David Fraser highlights the similarities at an OPC-hosted event

Six ways we surrender privacy

From the U.S.


AT&T recently announced the availability of its Internet Protect service in Canada and Latin America. This is an impressive offering, but we

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