Businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to establish trusted and sustainable relationships with customers, if they’re able to provide them with applications and digital services that make a real impact over the holidays.
Retailers have had to rush through digital transformation programs at breakneck speed to deliver new digital services for customers and ensure their workforces can continue to operate effectively.
Tariffs that Canadian ecommerce operators often have to pay when their products are returned put them at a competitive disadvantage, eBay argues. Changing one policy point could help make a difference.
Customers take advantage of late-season offers and discounts, driving up growth rates within the retailor sector, according to comScore, but Future Shop and Best Buy experience some glitches along the way
The average response time for completing a transaction on the e-commerce transaction index is typically 13 seconds to 14 seconds, according to Keynote.
Even if the gloomy economy keeps consumers locked indoors, they won't be deterred from shopping online, where increasingly savvy retailers expect to see sales soar 45 per cent this year, a study released Wednesday by and The Boston Consulting Group Inc. (BCG) said. is an association of electronic retailers.