Ontario’s Associate Minister of Digital Government says the province and municipalities must work together to “build back better” after the pandemic.
“We can’t do it...
From tax payments in bitcoin to bus schedules on Alexa, cities are taking their cues from Amazon to make their services more user-friendly.
“The digital...
Municipal leaders say they’re making plans to strengthen the culture in their organizations once the health rules allow employees to return to the office.
In anticipation of the third chapter of Politik’s Interzone digital gathering in early December, we sat down with one of Canada’s most recognized names in cybersecurity.
While their interest in enterprises hasn’t waned, experts and public data suggest cyber criminals, some of whom have little technical skills, are targeting Canadian municipalities with surgical precision due to a disturbing lack of cybersecurity training and poor reporting protocols across schools, hospitals and municipal offices.
In the private sector, every successful company has matured into a technology-centric organization; and inevitably, every propitious city will be compelled to embark upon a similar evolutionary trajectory.