Craig Barth, chief technology officer of Devil Mountain Software, has provided numerous comments on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system for more than two years. But it turns out he does not exist, and is none other than Randall Kennedy, a former blogger for Infoworld, which stopped using his blogs when they discovered his double persona
Lots of attention has been paid to blogging and its relation to traditional media. But I've been more interested in blogging as a quick-and-dirty enterprise knowledge management tool for internal use for internal use.
It had to happen. With layoffs threatening to replace baseball as our national pastime, my colleagues in the computer trade press are worrying about the security threat posed by disgruntled ex-or soon-to-be-ex-employees, especially those on the IT staff. According to the more lurid stories afloat, the only question in the minds of your castoffs is whether to do their evil before or after the pink slip arrives.