Articles Related to implementations

Understand how AI can change your business with this simple trick

Another way to think about AI is to consider it as the ability to make better and cheaper predictions.

HP hypes new BI services

The global economic recession hasn

Five tips for managing Microsoft SharePoint Server

Users are going hog-wild with the popular Microsoft portal, and it's causing problems for IT managers. How you can bring your Microsoft SharePoint Server deployment under control

Dell offers migration services to Canadian clients

A combination of software and expertise will be a boon to companies going through the process of an upgrade to Microsoft Windows Vista, an exec said. Info-Tech sees an evolution from the "Dell PC" model

Industry Built

Customers at a panel discussion during Microsoft Convergence in Orlando discuss the need for vertical products, and complexity challenges. Plus: Where we differ from the U.S

TD switches centres to IP


IBM rolls out raft of Power servers

IBM Corp. Tuesday rolled out a raft of new servers based on its Power5+ processors, including a new server with a Power5+ chip running at 2.2GHz and several new machines based on its quad-core module (QCM) technology that allows four Power5+ 1.5GHz cores to plug into a single socket.

Christmas arrives early for SOA

Two announcements over this past month pave the way for increased services-oriented architecture (SOA) rollouts. Standards body OASIS got an intellectual property donation from Capgemini designed to create practical SOA business profiles, while IBM is sharing intellectual property on SOA, but with an important caveat.

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