The President-Elect wants every American doctor and hospital to have electronic health records and plans to make public buildings more energy-efficient. Get the details on Obama
The chipmaker's server line gets an update that's aimed at virtualization adopters. MySpace comments on the data centre demand while Forrester looks at the competition from AMD's Barcelona
The company cut its 2007 energy consumption by 15 per cent over 2006 through a server consolidation effort that reduced 100 discrete Wintel servers into 66 Energy Star blades
The company commissions a study with a Canadian research firm that compares the energy efficiency of its Vista OS with its predecessor, Windows XP. Why Mac OS and Linux were left out
Some of the most effective ways of cutting back electricity usage -- such as raising the computer room temperature a few degrees -- also are the simplest
BridgeHead's annual Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Audit, clearly shows a growing interest in energy efficient technologies by both U.K. and U.S.companies
If IT managers in Canada are finding it difficult to make their data centres more energy-efficient, their colleagues in places like Hong Kong face an even greater struggle