Does "I'm a Mac" mean "I'm less expensive to manage?" An Enterprise Desktop Alliance survey says Macs cost a lot less than PCs to manage -- yet Macs come with special challenges for enterprise IT admins
VIDEO: ComputerWorld Canada staff, Dave Webb, Kathleen Lau and Rafael Ruffolo, along with guest Howard Solomon of Network World Canada, discuss foreign investment in telecom carriers, the future of the desktop in three years, and Dr. Seuss on the iPhone
Ralph Szygenda's successor talks about his position on Windows 7, the iPhone and cloud computing as he attempts to steer the IT course at one of the world's biggest automakers
The Canadian telco giant helps VMware kick off its annual user event with a demonstration of how PC over IP can ease virtual client deployments. Plus: VMware
The chipmaker reveals the results of a survey of North American and European organizations and looks at the pros and cons of upgrading corporate desktop fleets. Two Canadian firms that are seeing a difference