The Parti Quebecois's Daniel Turp starts a petition to get the province its own ".qc" for all French-Canadian Web sites, but CIRA says he may have overlooked an important rule in granting such addresses
Many computing groups have developed, or are working to establish, ethics codes for IT. Some are currently working together to draw up a code of ethics for IT security professionals
A Miami man was charged with stealing more than 10 million minutes of VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephone service and then selling them to unsuspecting customers for as little as US$0.004 per minute.
After several years of experimenting with pay-per-use printing, Pitt Ohio Express LLC grew tired of sending its maintenance man around to each of 80 printers to read the page meter and calculate the bill each month.
Many North American retailers are preparing to comply with an approaching Jan. 1, 2005, "Sunrise" deadline that requires them to be able to process one more digit than they're accustomed to when scanning bar codes.
Two years ago, John Ounjian, senior vice-president and CIO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) of Minnesota, managed to convince General Mills Inc., a US$8 billion consumer goods giant, to join his regional health plan on the basis of a promise: He would soon be installing a Web-based customer service system that would let subscribers manage their health benefits online.