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The iX1500 can be your organization’s secret weapon

Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 rear ports

The further the world moves into the digital era, the more trendy it seems to become in certain circles to critique all things digital. Digitization is one area where this is apparent, with some extoling the great virtues of paper over technological advances like scanning and OCR. While the former camp is not wrong — paper is wonderful and appeals to the tactile in everyone — scanning and storing data also offers many benefits.

Portability is the first and obvious virtue of digitizing documents. Ebook vendors up-talk the merits of being able to bring an entire library with you wherever you go — in this case, on a Kindle, Kobo, iPad, or other electronic device.

Related to portability is the “sendability” of digitized data. Not only is it difficult to send someone a thousand kilometres away a stack of important and/or sensitive company documents, it’s also from a business perspective, unwise.

Data is central to the digital transformation (DX) of a business. DX often stalls, however, on the point of how to proceed from the first stages. Many companies pick away at one initiative or another but ultimately find it difficult to commit to “going digital” in a larger sense. The big question for these companies, then, is where to begin?

A great place for many organizations to start their DX journey is with document scanning. It’s a great opportunity to part with old practices and processes (i.e., long paper trails and time-intensive filing practices), to advance to the point where business decisions are made not on the basis of hunches and educated guesses, but by hard data.

“Scanning turns your documents into data — 24/7 accessible and instantly retrievable data,” says Steve Oblin, Senior Marketing Manager at Fujitsu Canada. “It brings organizations into a wider digital reality, and makes them more intelligent, fact-driven, and agile. With an emerging Internet of Things and AI and blockchain coming in fast, there has never been a better time to say goodbye, at least in part, to paper and say hello to digital.”

It’s one thing for a product to offer quick document scanning, but another thing to empower professionals to organize all their scanned documents. “Employees spend a lot of their time just looking for information,” said Oblin. “This is frustrating, and any company that can make such inefficiencies a thing of the past is deriving huge value.”

The iX1500’s advanced ScanSnap Home software offers a range of functions to help users organize and search through their data using folders, tags, and keywords:

“I would call it a 360-degree experience,” says Oblin. “Not only can you quickly scan large numbers of many types of documents, from a double-sided landscape document to a colour photo to a receipt the length of your arm, but you also get robust document organization and retrieval. Being able to easily locate the digital information you need frees up a lot of time. This is time you can put toward more productive tasks, and to serving the needs of your customers.”

Fujitsu’s iX1500 offers a plethora of exciting features and benefits such as:

A complete solution is one that covers all bases. Fujitsu’s iX1500 not only streamlines your clients’ workflow, it significantly improves the processing speed throughout your entire organization to create a more robust service offering.

Learn more about the iX1500

About Fujitsu Canada, Inc.
Fujitsu Canada, Inc. is an established leader in the document imaging industry, delivering innovative scanning solutions and services that enable customers to solve critical business productivity issues and streamline operations. Fujitsu provides cutting-edge document capture solutions for business and personal environments, backed by a comprehensive portfolio of service and support programs.

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