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Managing regulated and unregulated content in the cloud

The idea of digital transformation (DX) is evolving, moving from the general “We’re adopting new technologies” to the richer “We’re using new technologies and letting new ideas and an innovative spirit inform how we go about our business.” But in keeping with the adage that “the more things change, the more they stay the same,” successful DX has and will always involve content — or more to the point: the effective and efficient management of a company’s content assets.

There is currently a huge shift underway in the life sciences, which includes biotech, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals. In a business environment where time-to-market is critically important, many life sciences organizations are keen to speed up their operations. However, for some companies, the road is not always a straight-ahead one.

“Bringing life-saving therapies to market at speed calls for efficient and secure collaboration across the board,” said Riju Khetarpal, Life Sciences Managing Director, Box. “Unfortunately, many organizations are limping along with legacy content management systems. These outmoded systems give rise to silos between regulated and unregulated content. This is where disconnect and inefficiency lives. As for speed, forget it. Inefficiency is the enemy of speed.”

“Effective collaboration and the ability to pass quickly through all stages, including validation — these are critical elements for organizations that want to lead rather than follow. However, this is but one layer. There’s also compliance to think of, and if things aren’t done right from the ground up, companies can face regulatory fines, legal exposure, and loss of revenue.”

Box validation
Box is an enterprise content management platform that solves simple and complex challenges, from sharing and accessing files on mobile devices to sophisticated business processes like data governance and retention.

Using Box GxP Validation, companies can manage and distribute regulated clinical, lab, and manufacturing content. Doing so allows for the standardization of all content — both regulated and unregulated — on a single platform that meets all regulatory and compliance standards. The end result of employing the Box solution?

In Canada this means organizations can continue to securely share, manage and collaborate on content that meets Health Canada’s GMP quality assurance regulations and future GPP of licensed cannabis for medical purpose growers. This ensures improved productivity while protecting sensitive intellectual property and trade secret content shared both internally and externally.

The elimination of content silos, a quicker content evaluation process, and the enablement of smoother — arguably seamless — collaboration. Overall, in an ultra-competitive market in which technology and Internet communications has made for intense competition, such a platform could be a key differentiator, a demarcation between those who seek success and those who have found it.

“You enjoy a number of key advantages with the Box platform,” said Khetarpal. “There’s the assurance of having all your content on a single compliant and secure platform, without the need to determine which content is regulated and which is unregulated.”

“The single platform itself is a boon to productivity in how it consolidates all content repositories and breaks down silos between regulated and unregulated content. This makes agility a reality as opposed to merely a ‘good idea.’”

“There’s also the dollars-and-cents factor. You save money, both immediately and over the long haul, when you can move from legacy environments to a single, sleek platform.”

“With Box, it’s not just about setting up something that solves a problem, it’s about seeing a payoff in perpetuity. For organizations that are looking to become more efficient, to streamline their operations, moving to a single content management platform like Box really is a no-brainer.”

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Learn more about Box GxP Validation

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Read the Box datasheet “Digital Transformation with GxP Regulated Content”

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