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Technology News Gallery: June 11, 2012

Data demandA 189-page consultant’s report to Industry Canada says mobile data traffic will grow 30 times between now and the end of 2015, with spectrum demand reaching 300 to 500 MHz, almost twice the 270MHz carriers hold today. (Photo by Howard Solomon)
Governor hopes big data means big job gainsMassachusetts Governor Deval Patrick announced a big data research initiative, called bigdata@CSAIL, to be run out of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, in an effort to create jobs and boost innovation in the state. (Photo by IDG News Service)
Exhibiting at ComputexSteve Guggenheimer, Microsoft’s OEM chief, showed off a number of Windows 8-based PCs at the Computex exhibition in Taipei. Microsoft was one of hundreds of companies showing off new product at the show. (Photo by IDG News Service)
Virtual violence backlashAt the E3 2012 electronic entertainment conference in Los Angeles, journalists and industry professionals deplored on Twitter and in opinion pieces the escalating violence that is permeating video games from Sony, Microsoft and other big-budget publishers.
iPads at the airportPearson Airport in Toronto is one of three North American airports (the others are New York’s La Guardia and Minneapolis-St. Paul) to have 2,500 iPads installed by food service company OTG. In addition to a menu, the tablets will allow travelers to check weather and schedules and play preloaded games. (IDG News Service)
Taking on the Big 3At the Canadian Telecom Summit, Wind Mobile CEO Tony Lacavera reached out cable carriers Videotron and Shaw Communications, both of which own substantial holdings of wireless spectrum, to band together with Wind to battle incumbent carriers Rogers, Bell Mobility and Telus. (Photo by Howard Solomon)