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7 steps to a security responsible firm

For the past six years Telus and the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management have collaborated on an IT Security Study of Canadian organizations. The 2014 report tries to find links between organizations following best IT security practices and their success in mitigating risk. But what does it mean to be what they call a security responsible enterprise? They follow these seven steps. See if your organization qualifies. Images from Shutterstock.

Eyes on the ball

They monitor and/or have rigorous procedures to act on new threat information

Business focus

Understand the security drivers impacting their business

Train, train, train
Conduct regular security awareness training for employees

Security from the start

Involve security early and throughout the development of new infrastructure/systems

Cover social media

Communicate social media policies to their employees

Don’t forget mobile

Have or execute on a comprehensive mobile security strategy

Test, test, test

Conduct enterprise mobility security testing and Threat Risk Assessments (TRA)

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