1. A single online portal that brings provincial and federal government together to make it easier for people to access and discover what government programs are available.
2. A provision of copyright laws that allows people to choose what they want to charge for in order to help them monetize content.
3. A “risk fund” for projects that supports artistic experimentation and specifically acknowledges that the only way Canada will innovate and change is by accepting the risk of failure.

4. A national/provincial plan across curriculum for K-12 to post-secondary education. One component of the plan includes an open source repository for resources.
5. A national repository of co-op programs and internships for students and recent graduates, which involves the private sector working with post-secondary institutions.
6. An online research and commercialization “concierge” that streamlines programs to facilitate funding and help commercialize research.

7. A commercial and technical infrastructure to build strong companies. The message is “scale matters.” Also, training and retention are crucial.
8. To become more strategic with Canadian content policy.
9. To start a conversation across institutions, businesses and countries on a semantic taxonomy for facilitating open and cost-effective rights management and transactions.

10. To approach the Canadian next-generation network infrastructure as a public utility.
11. Wi-Fi networks need to be widely accessible, much like basic cable, for Canadian citizens.
12. Canada 3.0 attendees should provide the focus and motivation to enable change. The co-chairs suggested each attendee contact at least one person they met at the event before the end of May to discuss what they are doing.

13. To digitize the Canadian health care system by 2017. This includes enabling practitioners through digital tools, automating processes to increase productivity and reduce error-related risks and allowing patients to manage their own healthcare.
14. For all levels of government to harmonize standards and care practices in healthcare IT systems by 2017.
15. A call to action for Ministers to commit to developing an innovation strategy by May 2011 that leverages the $182 billion Canadians spend each year on health care.
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