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U.S. military tests AI tool to spot deepfakes, misinformation

The United States military is testing Data Robot, an artificial intelligence (AI) tool for detecting deepfakes and deceptive information. The technology is designed to strengthen U.S. military forces’ information warfare capabilities in the face of rising misinformation efforts by enemies.

Data Robot is a machine learning tool for analyzing enormous volumes of data. The program can detect patterns and irregularities in data, allowing it to detect deepfakes and other types of disinformation. On today’s warfare, military troops must be able to swiftly recognize deepfakes and falsehoods. Adversaries are increasingly employing these methods to disseminate misinformation and cause conflict. Data Robot can assist military forces with staying ahead of these dangers and protecting their troops and operations.

Data Robot has been tested on several data sets, including social networking postings, news articles, and videos. The technology has been demonstrated to be useful in detecting deepfakes and other types of disinformation.

The military in the United States is still working on the technological elements of employing Data Robot. However, the gadget has showed great potential, and the military is likely to start utilizing it soon.

The sources for this piece include an article in TheDefensePost.

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