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Technology Sector Record Massive Job Openings

Recruitment of IT professionals is at a record pace, with 197,000 new IT jobs available in 2022 compared to the same period in 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

CIOs offer flexible work opportunities to attract and retain existing employees, including the combination of in-office and remote work. The median salary for IT professionals is expected to grow to between $96,000 and $97,000 up from just over $94,000 in January and $95,600 in June.

In 2019, 90,200 new IT jobs were created, but in 2020, 33,200 jobs were lost due to the global pandemic. In 2021, almost 150,000 new jobs were added to the IT job market. In the last three months, according to new data from IT employment consultancy Janco Associates, 43,200 new jobs were added to the IT labor market.

According to the monthly tech jobs report from the industry association CompTIA in April, 12,300 new jobs were added from February to March 2022. At the top of the list of most desirable jobs are software developers (3,613) and systems engineers/ architects (3,126).

According to CompTIA, software developers and engineers are still the most sought-after positions companies want to fill.

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