Pope Francis endorses global coding project for children

Pope Francis has endorsed a global project aimed at getting more children into computer programming. The initiative, called “Code with Pope,” is the brainchild of Miron Mironiuk, a Polish tech entrepreneur and founder of artificial intelligence company Cosmose AI.

Mironiuk was inspired to start the project after his own experience of coding transforming his life. He grew up in a poor family in Poland, but he was able to learn to code and eventually start his own successful company. He believes that coding is a powerful tool that can help children from all backgrounds achieve their dreams.

The “Code with Pope” initiative will provide free access to coding education through a free online learning platform for students aged 11-15 across Europe, Africa, and Latin America. After 60 hours of dedicated learning, children will be equipped with the basics of Python, one of the world’s most popular coding languages. Mironiuk hopes that the Pope’s endorsement will help to attract Catholic countries to the program. He believes that coding is an essential skill for all children, regardless of their religion or background.

The sources for this piece include an article in BBC.

IT World Canada Staff
IT World Canada Staff
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