Site icon IT World Canada builds own database to handle flexibility, a work operating system (Work OS) where organizations of any size can create the tools and processes they need to manage every aspect of their work, is building its own database, called MondayDB.

MondayDB is a schemaless and distributed database that is designed to offer flexibility, scalability, and performance for and its customers.

The new database is expected to help continue to grow and innovate, and to meet the needs of its customers for many years to come.

The company’s chief product and technology officer, Daniel Lereya, said that the process of building MondayDB began in January 2021, and that the company was driven by the need to find a database that was flexible enough to support its wide range of use cases and scalable enough to handle its rapidly growing customer base.

The new database has been in place since July, but as the company makes the transition to the new database, the old one still exists as another layer in the complexity that is architecture.

The sources for this piece include an article in TechCrunch.

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