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How do you discipline staff for clicking too fast?

What do you do when a staffer’s ‘ooops’ moment costs you a lot of money?

It depends. If the ooops is a damaged piece of equipment, most organizations forgive and forget. It if leads to a libel suit, it could result in dismissal. Ditto if it’s insubordination.

But what if it’s clicking on a link that leads to a network intrusion?

An awareness-training vendor says IT security could be vastly improved if staff learn there will be more than a shrug of the shoulders or a lecture from management, says Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of KnowBe4 told Networkworld U.S.

Sjouwerman’s company offers online training for staff that gets triggered when employees click on potentially malicious links. A company I wrote about last year also offers ways to train staff to be more careful with their clicking finger.


Sjouwerman suggests that a bit of pressure may be necessary from senior management to get offenders to slow down. Perhaps, though, more than a verbal spanking is needed.

It’s a serious problem: In my job I’m flooded with email from vendors, would-be vendors and readers who want my attention. Reading email headers often doesn’t tell me what I need to know to make a decision on what to pay attention to. So far, I’ve been lucky and apparently over the years I haven’t triggered a network fault.

But it also begs the question of whether management should dismiss a person who makes a critical mistake. It would certainly get the message across. However, as one of the related links above details, by masquerading though Linkedin as a fellow employee even a supposedly sophisticated U.S. security agency got snookered.

Dismissal for the first-time offender? Not yet.

Read the whole story here.

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