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Digital Human to help Amarillo residents in 62 languages

Amarillo, Texas is set to become a pioneer in the use of digital assistants for government services. The city is building a “digital human” that will be able to answer queries and help people request services in 62 languages.

The digital human is expected to be operational by early 2024 and will be accessible on the city’s website. It will be able to handle tasks like providing information about city services and programs, helping people book appointments and make payments

It will also be responsible for directing people to the appropriate department or resource, and answering questions about city policies and procedures. The digital human is able to understand and respond to complex questions in a conversational way. This is thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI), which enable the digital human to learn and adapt over time.

Amarillo’s digital human is also notable for its ability to communicate in multiple languages. This makes it ideal for a city with a large immigrant population.

The city’s chief information officer, Richard Gagnon, believes that the digital human will be a valuable asset for Amarillo residents. “It will make it easier for people to access city services, regardless of their language or level of computer literacy,” he said.

The sources for this piece involve an article in Axios.

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