American States now leading the race to regulate AI

States are beating the federal government in the race to regulate artificial intelligence, with nearly 200 AI-related bills introduced in state legislatures so far in 2023. This is a more than four-fold increase compared to 2022.

California is leading the way, with state legislators introducing more AI bills than any other state. California’s legislation often serves as a basis for legislation in other states.

Other states with a lot of activity include Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Washington. Legislators in these states are considering a variety of AI-related bills, including bills that would ban the use of deepfakes to impersonate people.

The bills also require state governments to conduct impact assessments before using certain types of AI, and regulate the use of AI in the workplace

The wave of AI regulation at the state level is being driven by concerns about privacy, bias, and discrimination. Legislators are also concerned about the potential for AI to be used in harmful ways, such as to create deepfakes or to automate surveillance systems.

The sources for this piece include an article in Axios.

IT World Canada Staff
IT World Canada Staff
The online resource for Canadian Information Technology professionals.

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