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AI-generated news network launches

A new startup called Infobot has launched at Y Combinator Demo Day, with a mission to use artificial intelligence to generate news content.

Infobot’s technology can synthesize publicly available information on topics like local government updates, financial news, and tech-related developments. This means that Infobot can keep users updated on the latest news without the need for human journalists to do extensive research or interviews.

Infobot’s co-founder and CEO, Justin Harvey, says that the company is not trying to replace newspapers. Instead, Infobot aims to expand the market for news by providing coverage of hyper-niche topics that are not always covered by traditional media outlets.

Infobot is still in its early stages, but it has already attracted a number of users, including startup founders, community leaders, and business executives. The company plans to eventually generate revenue through subscriptions.

The Infobot website empowers users to tailor their news experience, selecting “channels” that cater to specific interests, be it “San Francisco Board of Supervisors” or “European tech funding news,” and even allows for custom channel creation.

The sources for this piece include an article in Axios.

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