Defence In Depth
Knowledge Hub
Cybersecurity resources to help Canadian organizations protect their networks from ransomware, phishing and other malware.
Defence in Depth
Download this whitepaper to learn how antivirus, traditional firewalls and DNS or "cloud" firewalls work together to provide important depth to your defensive strategy.
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IT Security Threat Review – Fall 2017
Delve into the threats to Canadian organizations, the role a DNS firewall plays in combating them, and the impact of bad actors on Canadian businesses of all sizes.
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DNS - Can you afford one less layer of protection?
We will discuss new developments and innovative strategies companies are using that are tailored to Canada's unique technology and regulatory environment.
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DNS filtering a critical part of a defence in depth strategy, says CIRA official
Why a DNS firewall should be a key part of your layered security strategy
Canadian businesses vulnerable at DNS level, according to CIRA survey