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Women in Tech

Women in Tech Events

Former U.S. Commissioner of the FCC appointed to the board of BAI Communications

Global communications infrastructure provider Bai Communications has appointed the former commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Kathleen Abernathy as a non-executive director on its board of directors.

Accenture names Jennifer Jackson Canada’s Accenture Cloud First Lead

Accenture has appointed Jennifer Jackson as Cloud First Lead for Canada as part of the roll-out of the recent global launch of Accenture Cloud First.

A one-on-one with Sarah Cooper, GM of IoT analytics and applications, AWS

We had a chance to catch up with Amazon Web Services' Sarah Cooper, and chat a bit about IoT, and announcements from re:Invent.

A one-on-one with cybersecurity leader and award winner Bonnie Butlin

We spoke with the recently named Fellow of the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium

Making the technology space a more inclusive and equal playing field requires everyone to work towards those goals. Check back often for stories that expand on how men can support these efforts from leadership positions, and highlight some of the work that’s already been done.

Women in Tech Videos

Women in Tech Blogs


International Women’s Day: Five tech training courses that aim to break gender inequality in Canadian tech sector

women are still largely underrepresented in the tech industry. This slideshow details education and training resources to help women advance in the IT field.

International Women’s Day: Seven women who changed technology

You may find it difficult to believe in today's male-centric tech industry, but in the early days of IT, it was often the women who were the pioneers

The WIT Network Conference in photos

The more than 400 people who showed up at the WIT Network Conference event March 5 in Toronto was a clear sign that fostering an inclusive workforce in tech is a goal worth pursuing.

10 women advancing AI in Canada

As International Women’s Day is fast approaching, we have rounded up a list of 10 women advancing AI in Canada to celebrate their strides and accomplishments.