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Innovation needs structure

Businesses that clutch on to arcane innovation practices are less likely to realize success than if they take an open, collaborative approach, according to senior IT industry analysts.

A lesson in book learnin

The society for Information Management

Stepping up to CIO

Moving from mid-level executive to Chief Information Officer is a tough task, but some who have made the leap offer their advice.

IT sweet spots for 2010

If you want to build an evergreen career, I suggest you develop deep skills in leadership, change management and information management.

Microsoft expands commitment to Africa

Microsoft Corp. has given African countries a US$1 billion commitment though its Unlimited Potential program (UP), aimed at developing information and communication technology around the world.

The golden rules of IT

Wherever you go and whatever you do, it is a given that some set of rules will be in force. Rules matter because they define how we get on with other people and what is considered normal.

Unicenter digs out hidden cause of domino effect

CA has added features to its flagship network and systems management software that the company says will more quickly identify the root cause of problems and more intelligently monitor networks.

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