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Editorial Viewpoint – They

Recently I had to make a purchase from a major retailer via the telephone and I felt a lot like that guy in the TV commercial who calls in for customer support and can

Security – Enlisting for the war on Internet fraud

While antivirus software has been doing much to reclaim the Internet for ordinary people, fears of identity theft through scams such as phishing and pharming (redirecting Web site traffic to a different bogus site) continue prevent many from conducting business online. Retailers, banks and most other organizations have a vested interest in making the Internet a safe place to do business, and some of that responsibility lies with the IT department.

Analyst Outlook – Finding better ways to use information

If CIOs are to continue to play a central role in their enterprise, helping it to grow and develop, then the focus must be...


If you seek to create a consolidated e-government service network, coveting your neighbour

Predictive technologies the next big thing?

While Jeff Wacker looks more IT manager than mad scientist, as the futurist for Plano, Tex.-based EDS Corp, he does spend his days looking past the nuts and bolts of IT to what

Business Intelligence – Taking the sting out of forecasting

“I Go to Extremes,” is the title of a 1989 Billy Joel hit. It also describes something Thomas Tileston can never afford to...

Storage – Time for another look at backups

Backups are a no-brainer. Wait until system users go home at the end of the day, shut down the server, run the backup overnight, and come back in the morning to collect the finished product. If the system crashes tomorrow afternoon and data is lost, just restore last night

Cdn firms taking ostrich approach

A recent poll sponsored by managed IT services firm Fusepoint shows that while 75% of business executives in Canada feel personally responsible for their company

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