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Microsoft’s free Vista test drive to ‘combat piracy’

Microsoft Corp. is offering a free online "test drive" of its Windows Vista OS so users have a legitimate way of testing the software rather than going out and buying a counterfeit copy or pirating a genuine version.

Microsoft unveils new sops to jump start Vista sales

Microsoft Corp. Wednesday unveiled more discounts and upgrade options for Windows Vista aimed at jump-starting sales of the operating system.

The top security issue of 2006

In its annual review of the worst security problems spotted for the year, the SANS Institute recently cited zero-day attacks and human gullibility in falling victim to phishing scams or other social engineering tricks as among the most dismal trends of 2006.

End users gaining in the desktop duel

Striking a balance between IT

Pricing out IT

Application licensing with enterprise virtualization can be a double-edged sword, said Matt Brudzynski, senior analyst at Info-Tech Research. As much as it may become a hindrance to virtualization, adoption of certain applications can also be negatively affected.

Telstra proposes A$600m broadband plan

Australia's Telstra Ltd. has pitched a national ADSL scheme to bring high-speed Internet to thousands of remote communities. The plan is in response to the Howard Government's Broadband Connect program.

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