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Danish consumer agency finds design flaw in Apple iBook

The Danish Consumer Complaints Board has published evidence of a manufacturing defect resulting in power failures in some of Apple Inc.'s iBook G4 notebook computers.

IT360 – Four risk categories and how firms can respond

While enabling novel ways of interacting and conducting business, pervasive connectivity is also heightening the risk factor for many organizations, warns one industry insider

Big Blue sets it sight on small businesses

Think of IBM and images of massive, big business implementations usually come to mind. But if president and CEO Sam Palmisano has his way, in a few years the SMB space will replace financial services as the biggest part of Big Blue

The Big I.T. Sell

For the CIO, business intelligence is where the rubber meets the road. After all, we

CIOs must learn to duke it out

Conflict is often the elephant in the room that executives strive to ignore. But no matter how tempting this may be, avoiding conflict gets you nowhere. CIOs must learn the art of productive fighting, says Lynne Eisaguirre, author of The Power of a Good Fight and president of human resources consultancy Workplaces That Work.

From paper to pixels

As CIO of the Ministry of Forests and Range in British Columbia, Nelson Lah has many responsibilities. Here he discusses the multi-faceted nature of his work and the award-winning electronic forest management system that has slashed the amount of paper in the forestry industry submission process.

Health care orgs must reach IT

It takes a long time for healthcare organizations to see a return from IT investments, according to a recent report.

Locking down the remote user

Companies are still grappling with the issue of securing their users in the field. One response is simply to restrict access. But a combination of smart card technology and public key infrastructure may provide a more productive alternative.

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