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Project Management

Brighter Days For Project Management

Time to market, quality, operational efficiency and the bottom line - they are among every CIO's main concerns. How can companies address these issues and stay competitive, especially in an uncertain economy?

IT job trends yield surprises

In his first state of the union speech, U.S. President George W. Bush challenged Americans to consider some form of government service during their lifetimes.

CGI makes another purchase

Montreal-based outsourcing provider CGI Group Inc. continued its buying ways as the company announced Thursday it has acquired Halifax-based Cornerstone Project Management Group Inc.

Get a return on IT staff certification investments

Companies are paying higher bonuses to IT staff who are certified in security, database management and project management than to IT staff with standalone skills, according to a survey conducted by New Canaan, Conn.-based research and advisory company Foote Partners LLC.

Rethinking Project Management

No project director, manager or team leader can say without qualification that he or she has not been challenged or blindsided by unexpected events in the process of developing an information technology application

Tapping the right tools

The numbers are frightening. Half of all IT projects fail to meet objectives, and half are delivered over budget, according to Gartner Inc. in Stamford, Conn. Meanwhile, Aberdeen Group Inc. in Boston reports that 30 per cent of IT projects are canceled prior to completion and 90 per cent are delivered late.


Only a third of IT PMOs will ever work, and the rest of

The ROI of training

As companies cut back on salaries and staff, IT managers must demonstrate the return on investment for any expense, including training.

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