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Managed Services & Outsourcing

Communications with security team still a barrier to successful DevOps, survey suggests

Less than half of those with DevOps projects said their security department is fully equipped to participate

How to avoid the two biggest security mistakes in DevOps

DevOps is an effective way for companies to speed up product development, but there’s a risk if security measures don’t keep pace. “Companies sometimes move...

School board in Alberta leans on Cisco and WiFi 6 to improve connectivity for students

Providing sufficient internet to rural areas is difficult. The Wild Rose District School Board (WRSD) is trying to solve this problem with WiFi 6...

Digital transformation: 5 significant imperatives for digital success

The rapid pace of digital business evolution means that organizations need to be continuously adapting their business and operating models. Canadian organizations are pursuing...

Overall Canadian IT spending is down, but software and AI spending is going up – way up, says Gartner

Overall Canadian IT spending is down, but software and AI spending is going up - way up

You can teach a very old dog new tricks, says LCBO CIO

While some people were displeased with the subdued rollout of legal cannabis in Ontario due to last-minute legislation changes and until this April, the...

Collision 2019: TD calls for banks to collaborate more with fintech startups on AI solutions

AI and machine learning have become a large part of the financial industry, and some within the industry are calling for banks to be...

Manufacturing spending billions on IoT, but still can’t patch Windows or remember passwords

The manufacturing industry is spending billions of dollars on IoT, but it continues to do a terrible job of securing those connected devices.

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Enormous growth opportunities for managed services providers in 2023

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Choosing an MSP: Cymax Group case study

This is the last in a series of three articles sponsored by Ricoh looking at how different companies facing transformation evaluate their MSP options....

Security incident forces firm to consider its MSP options

This is the second is a series of three articles sponsored by Ricoh looking at how real companies facing transformation evaluated their MSP options....

In financial services, there’s no need to waste a millisecond

By Bill Ruvo Financial Services, Equinix In ancient Roman times, people gathered in the Forum to do business face to face. In Dickensian London, Ebenezer Scrooge...