

B.C. researchers urge improved industrial IT protection

A British Columbia Institute of Technology report describes a substantial increase in computer-based attacks on critical industrial IT infrastructure since 2000.

Early computing links Arrow to City Hall

In the early 1950s two U.K. subsidiaries conducted some groundbreaking aerospace and IT work in Malton, Ont., just outside Toronto: Avro Aircraft, which designed planes, and Orenda Engines.

Intel sees wireless computing set to soar

According to an international survey on the communication habits and needs of business travellers released last fall by Intel Corp., 71 per cent of business travellers are convinced that wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) will enable them to seize a communications advantage over their competition.

Disaster planning requires new thinking

With a series of events hitting corporate Canada over the past 12 months, from SARS and the massive blackout to attacks from the SoBig and Blaster worms, companies are intensifying their disaster preparedness but finding that a siege mentality often exists between departments.

GAO: NASA needs plan for IT re-engineering project

A multi-year project by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to upgrade its financial management and supporting IT systems lacks a basic enterprise architecture that would rein in costs and define best practices, according to a U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO) report.

Vitesse buys Cicada to expand product offerings

Switch and storage technology vendor Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. is acquiring integrated circuit maker Cicada Semiconductor Inc. in a deal worth US$66 million in cash.

Atheros defends its Super G technology

Technology designed by chip providers Atheros Communications Inc. has come under fire recently by rival company Broadcom Corp. in a game of what's better, proprietary or standards-based solutions.

EMC shapes plans for VMware

EMC Corp. officials said last week that the company will move quickly to release products that incorporate VMware Inc.'s server virtualization technology, once EMC's US$635 million acquisition of VMware is completed early next year.

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