

PeopleSoft inks integration deal with Ascential

Business applications maker PeopleSoft Inc. has cut a deal with integration technology vendor Ascential Software Corp. to handle the integration plumbing for its line of corporate performance management software.

Database dev and admin made pleasurable

Database development and administration are complex tasks, particularly when you're working with various flavors in a mixed environment. Quest Central 4.0 eases the process, by giving developers useful tools to produce efficient code before they produce a database, and by giving administrators tools to help track problems.

Dell’s network unit steps up to routing

Dell Inc.'s networking division looked inward on Monday, eyeing the cores of data centres and small- and medium-sized enterprise LANs with a pair of Ethernet switches that also act as routers.

IBM, Microsoft launch Linux tug-of-war

Archrivals IBM Corp. and Microsoft Corp. will formally roll out software and technical support programs at the LinuxWorld Exposition next week in hopes of luring corporate and third-party developers either toward or away from Linux environments, respectively.

SIMPLE aims for IM interoperability

Instant messaging/presence is at an inflection point today. The lack of standards-based interoperable IM/presence systems makes it difficult for IT to control and monitor deployment of this popular business tool. Proprietary networks and protocols also impede IM users from communicating with others outside their organizations.

Big play on RFID at German world soccer cup

Organizers of the 2006 FIFA World Cup soccer games in Germany plan to issue tickets with smart tags in what is expected to be the largest-ever deployment of radio frequency identification (RFID ) technology at a sporting event.

Microsoft provides free tool to tackle Unix-Windows migration, integration

Microsoft Corp. on Thursday pulled the lid off of its new, enhanced Services for Unix (SFU) 3.5, which not only boasts new capabilities but is being distributed for free.

IDC: Software vendors get cozy with integrators

Enterprise software vendors and systems integrators are looking to form stronger relationships in order to meet customer needs, according to a new report released by research group IDC.

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