

Teamwork enhances RBC

The Global Market Risk Management System at RBC Financial Group spells competitive advantage for Canada's largest company as measured by assets and market capitalization.

Xerox drops five new printers onto market

Broadcasting from New York to satellite locations around the world, Xerox Corp. on Thursday unveiled five new printers ranging from black-and-white to those employing solid-colour ink.

Oracle boosts tech integration offering

In a move that could represent a change of strategy, Oracle Corp. has unveiled a set of products that will help customers link its E-Business Suite applications to third-party and homegrown software.

Customers eye Workplace warily

While IBM Corp.'s Lotus software group blazes ahead with its Workplace vision, the company still has work to do to convince some of the Lotus faithful that the new architecture makes as much sense for them as it does for IBM.

IBM moves uptown with NAS gateway

IBM Corp.'s customers think big when it comes to network-attached storage (NAS), so the company is scaling up with its latest NAS gateway, which can support at least 224TB of storage, IBM said Tuesday.

Revenge of the dot-coms

Starting a few years ago, we were all supposed to laugh at the dot-coms. How could anyone ever have believed, let alone invested in, their pie-in-the-sky theories and imaginary business plans? Surely, after the collapse of the Internet bubble, we would all come back to our senses, and normal patterns of business leadership would resume.

CA releases ARCserve Backup 11

Computer Associates International Inc. on Monday released a new version of its Brightstor ARCserv Backup software designed to speed up back-up and restore operations for departmental Microsoft Corp. users.

EMC partners with Oracle to sell DatabaseXtender suite

EMC Corp. announced on Monday its first service provider partnership with Oracle Corp. to sell and install EMC's DatabaseXtender suite of products, which analyze databases and then migrate older or inactive records off expensive primary storage and onto online secondary disk systems.

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