

Vendors left out as users turn to in-house ERP

Develop enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications in-house to avoid vendor lock-in and associated data integration issues, says AirRoad Direct Pty. Ltd.'s national client manager Phil Newman.

B.C. health region rolls out big backup plan

Backing up huge amounts of data from one storage area network (SAN) to another may be the norm in the Canadian financial industry, but...

Microsoft mulls extra Windows release before Longhorn

Microsoft Corp. is pondering ways to add functionality to Windows XP after the release of Service Pack 2 later this year. The discussions, under the project name Windows XP Reloaded, could result in an interim release of Windows before Longhorn.

Kebab could end up skewering IPv6

Behaving more like a glacier than a hot technology, IPv6 has been everyone's "sometime in the future" technology for years. The coming surge in...

IDC: Server demand continues to grow

Demand for servers grew worldwide for the third consecutive quarter as businesses continue to increase spending in IT equipment after years of financial restraint, according to sales figures released last month by International Data Corp.

A grown-up’s guide to instant messaging

As if you didn't already spend enough time blocking spam, battling pop-up ads, and replying to every single e-mail message you receive, another Internet communication medium is competing for a chunk of your brain: instant messaging.

RSA introduces RFID blocker technology

Although still in its early research stage, RSA Security Inc. demonstrated a prototype of its RSA Blocker Tag technology at its data security conference in San Francisco on Tuesday. According to the company, when completed, the tag will enforce consumer privacy when dealing with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags.

UPS enhances customs clearance service

UPS Supply Chain Solutions Tuesday announced enhancements to its customs brokerage service, including tools for better visibility into the status of shipments; alert systems...

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