

User-friendly interfaces hide complex apps

It was a simple enough IT project for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group: rework a financials application to make it easier for workers to complete expense reports for reimbursements.

HP to ship new blade, SMB servers

Hewlett-Packard Co. on Monday will announce two new ProLiant servers, including a new US$499 system designed for small- to medium-sized business (SMB) customers.

Grand & Toy offers up e-invoicing service

Customers of office product supplier Grand & Toy Ltd. will now have an easier way keep track of their purchases through the company's new e-Invoicing service.

Siebel boosts integration in UAN effort

CRM vendor Siebel Systems Inc. is offering a new set of industry-specific process enhancements built around Microsoft Corp.'s next-generation BizTalk Server 2004 integration platform.

Technology eases distribution for Toronto-based 3PL

Using a paper-based system to track orders and shipments across over 400,000 square feet of warehouse space in Toronto and across the country was not proving to be the best option for Andlauer Management Group Inc.

Intel to launch new Gallatin processor

Intel Corp. is expected to announce a new, faster Xeon MP processor later on Tuesday with double the cache of its predecessor.

Internet hosting company buys SCO IP license for Linux

A Houston-based company has become the first to publicly acknowledge buying an intellectual property (IP) license for Linux from The SCO Group Inc. (SCO), the Utah-based company, which claims to be the rightful owner of Unix.

Vendors left out as users turn to in-house ERP

Develop enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications in-house to avoid vendor lock-in and associated data integration issues, says AirRoad Direct Pty. Ltd.'s national client manager Phil Newman.

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