

U.S. buys world

The U.S. government has bought the world

Western grid project now connecting three universities

A $48-million project to unite four supercomputing installations at four universities in western Canada has been completed, WestGrid recently announced.

Canada low on Gateway’s radar with launch of net equipment

Gateway Inc. on Tuesday made its entrance into the networking equipment market with the launch of nine LAN switches and two wireless access points, however the company is not officially entering the Canadian market with its enterprise products, according to a spokesperson.

Longhorn beta likely to slip into 2005

A first beta release of the next version of Windows likely will be delayed until next year because Microsoft Corp. is concentrating first on a security-focused update to Windows XP, the Redmond, Wash.-based company said Thursday.

Reaction mixed to Yukon delay

Reaction to Microsoft Corp.'s decision to delay the release of its next-generation SQL Server database and .Net development tools, code-named Yukon and Whidbey respectively, is mixed.

IT Focus news briefs, April 1, 2004

ATM validates bills and recycles cash; Teradata and SAP team up on analytical solutions; Microsoft takes aim at IT complexity

B2B standard targets integration

A standards effort that aims to do for business-to-business documents what the Dewey Decimal System does for library collections is gaining momentum.

BPM software boosts efficiency

When Toronto came under the threat of the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus last year, Joanne Pearson had to shut down operations at the...

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