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Government & Public Sector

U.K. city council opts for Linux

Another U.K. city council has joined the list of organizations opting for Linux. The Dundee, Scotland, City Council has chosen the operating system, supplied with IBM Corp.'s eServer zSeries platform, in an attempt to reduce its running costs.

Technology, transparency and trust

In seeking the trust of Ontarians, the campaigning premier of Ontario promised to expand the scope of transparency throughout government.

A blueprint for success

The move toward a national system of electronic health record (EHR) solutions in Canada has taken a long step forward.

It takes three to tango

For Canada and Canadians to thrive in a global economy, we need a culture of excellence, innovation and productivity that is the envy of the world.

Federal government invests in rural connectivity

The Government of Canada announced a strategic initiative to extend broadband Internet connectivity to the nation's most...

From the Editor-in-chief

Spam has been a nuisance for years, but recently it has reached epidemic proportions. From all accounts the daily dose of body-distorting, pill-pushing, porno-promoting garbage has soared in the last twelve months.

Computer theft shakes Revenue Canada

Police have begun an investigation into the theft of computer equipment from a Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) office which contained information on businesses and individuals, including some social insurance numbers.

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The Bill-C-26 Regulation and Its Implications for The Critical Infrastructures’ Cybersecurity in Canada

By Frank Lawrence and Eric Jensen, Fortinet As the last G7 nation and one of the few G20 nations without a firm regulatory framework around...

From start-up to step-up: Mississauga’s support for next stage growth

Are you an entrepreneur looking to start or scale up your business? Or a decision maker planning to grow your company? Look no further...

Driving citizen value: Reinventing the government wheel

Governments have beefed up their websites, released mobile apps, and embraced new technologies, yet they struggle to keep pace with what people want. Despite...

The GDPR is about to change your business. Are you ready?

When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25th, it will have major ramifications for Canadian businesses. Drafted in part...