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E.U. debate to take up P-to-P filesharing

Sharing music over the Internet could become a criminal offense if some members of the European Parliament get their way in a debate next week. The Parliament is set to debate a draft law designed to stamp out mass pirating and counterfeiting of digital products such as music and movies.

Philippines will restrict VoIP to telcos

As expected, only telecommunication companies will be allowed to offer voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services based on the draft guidelines prepared by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC).

Ontario experts find need for electronic health records

There is an ever-growing need in Ontario to integrate technology in all areas of health care delivery, according to a group of Canadian health care experts.

Tech firms blamed for aiding censorship in China

While China's large online population and growing economic development represent an irresistible lure for many IT vendors, any technology they provide that helps the Chinese government impose Internet censorship makes them partially to blame for human rights abuses, a new report by Amnesty International (AI) claims.

Emcor saves on Sarb-Ox

Emcor Group Inc. is developing a Notes-based system to track its Sarbanes-Oxley compliance

Proposed U.S. federal IT budget reflects impact of deficit

The White House Monday released the details of its proposed fiscal 2005 U.S. IT budget, which is showing signs of increased strain amid a ballooning national deficit, the continued war on terrorism and the urgent demands of homeland security.

Tech firms blamed for aiding censorship in China

While China's large online population and growing economic development represent an irresistible lure for many IT vendors, any technology they provide that helps the Chinese government impose Internet censorship makes them partially to blame for human rights abuses, a new report by Amnesty International (AI) claims.

OECD calls for cooperation on spam

Governments around the world were urged to cooperate more in their fight against the proliferation of spam, or unsolicited e-mail, at a conference Monday organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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