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SCO, IBM suit just heating up

The SCO Group Inc. (SCO) and IBM Corp. are bracing for what is likely to be a long, drawn-out, intellectual property (IP) dispute involving Unix, according to legal experts.

Bill may force companies to disclose offshoring plans

Reacting to a top George W. Bush administration official

Much ado about data: storage in the privacy zone

Governments operate on information. They keep track of when you're hatched, matched and dispatched, through birth certificates, marriage licences, divorce decrees and death certificates. Keeping all that material on file is a massive undertaking.

H-1B visa cap could be reached within a week

U.S. immigration officials may be just a week away from getting enough applications to fill the H-1B visa cap this year, shutting down a pipeline for companies that hire foreign high-tech workers.

U. S. senators seek to limit Internet tax moratorium

Four U.S. senators will introduce a bill to extend a now-expired Internet tax moratorium by two years, instead of a permanent ban on Internet-only taxes that passed through the U.S. House in September.

WORLDBEAT : China gets tough with spammers

The Chinese government is ratcheting up its efforts to fight unsolicited e-mail, or spam, in a campaign that has a distinctly political flavour but officials face an uphill battle to get the problem under control.

France outlines plans for electronic administration

The French government has unveiled a four-year plan to put more national and local government services online.

Messy process of capitalism

Offshore outsourcing is nothing new; U.S. manufacturers have been sending work overseas for years. What's new about offshore outsourcing is that we're now transferring the work of knowledge workers to places like India and China.

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