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UPDATE: Canadian credit agency reports security breach

More than 1,400 Canadians, primarily in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, have been notified of a major security breach by Equifax Canada Inc., a national consumer-credit reporting agency.

IP an unknown quantity for N.Z.

As moves to commercialize government-owned software gather pace, the question arises - how much intellectual property the state can call its own?

Proposed U.S. IT budget reflects impact of deficit

The White House has released details of its proposed fiscal 2005 U.S. IT budget, which is showing signs of increased strain amid a ballooning national deficit, the continued war on terrorism and the urgent demands of homeland security.

Security and accountability in the e-age

Maher Arar, the Ottawa software engineer who was controversially held in Syria for 10 months, does not act like a man with much to hide.

The charge is in the mail

"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong." -- H.L. Mencken That...

Euro Parliament antipiracy compromise disappoints both sides

Critics and supporters of a new Europe-wide antipiracy law were disappointed by a compromise text approved Tuesday by the European Parliament.

U.S. lawmakers push offshore outsourcing legislation

The U.S. Senate voted to approve an amendment restricting federal tax dollars from being used on jobs going overseas, a day after a U.S. representative introduced a bill prohibiting federal grants and loans from going to some companies that send jobs out of the country.

Citibank e-mail phishing attempt, company says

As if e-mail spam and viruses weren't enough to contend with on a daily basis, consumers must also continue to be wary of e-mail identity theft methods that are using trusted company names to lure victims.

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The Bill-C-26 Regulation and Its Implications for The Critical Infrastructures’ Cybersecurity in Canada

By Frank Lawrence and Eric Jensen, Fortinet As the last G7 nation and one of the few G20 nations without a firm regulatory framework around...

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The GDPR is about to change your business. Are you ready?

When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25th, it will have major ramifications for Canadian businesses. Drafted in part...