

How CIO Oliver Bussman runs SAP

Q&A: At SAP TechEd in Las Vegas, SAP

SAP, CA integration ties IT and business governance

The companies have teamed up to help unify governance, risk and compliance strategies across traditionally siloed IT processes and business processes. An IDC analyst calls the partnership disruptive, compared to shallower integrations offered by the likes of Oracle

Gartner: Big drop in plans to adopt SOA

According to the survey, 53 per cent of the respondents were already using SOA. Another 25 per cent were not using it but had plans to do so in the next 12 months

Internet Governance Forum launched by U.K. government

The first UK Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place at the Houses of Parliament last week with representatives from the Specialist Crime Directorate, MPs and a British ambassador. IGF will share information between law enforcement, Internet service providers and charities for victims of abuse online, in order to discuss strategies to tackle online crime.

Service Oriented Architecture – Preparing for major SOA changes

Around the CIO water cooler, service oriented architecture, or SOA, still has all the buzz. The idea of creating reusable service components and deploying them in applications across the enterprise is irresistible. But CIOs are also beginning to realize that SOA is not just a project with a start and an end date.

Innovation needs structure

Businesses that clutch on to arcane innovation practices are less likely to realize success than if they take an open, collaborative approach, according to senior IT industry analysts.

WSIS: US, EU remain at odds over Net governance

Both the U.S. and the European Union are claiming victory in an agreement reached late Tuesday over Internet governance, viewed as one of the most contentious issues being debated at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.

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