

Quebec politician may seek domain name in vain

The Parti Quebecois's Daniel Turp starts a petition to get the province its own ".qc" for all French-Canadian Web sites, but CIRA says he may have overlooked an important rule in granting such addresses

Webfuser dev tool aimed at non-programmers

Inuvia Technologies Corp. says its platform will eliminate the stumbling block of writing code for a variety of applications, while freeing up IT administrators to focus on other tasks. Info-Tech discusses sizes up the market opportunity

Microsoft, Yahoo share stage at Accenture event

It was supposed to be a simple panel discussion about the future of Web 2.0, but a possible takeover of the search engine firm by the software giant put the focus on mergers and acquisition strategies

Quebec salutes 10th anniversary of SAP lab

Premier Jean Charest and others look back on the vendor's success in creating customer relationship management software and other products from its Montreal R&D facility

Project Team Best Practices

CIOs who can deliver projects on time, on budget and as advertised are valued members of any enterprise executive team. Here are some of the key elements to successful project delivery.

Adobe releases runtime code to Linux developers

An Ottawa developer says the ability to use Adobe Integrated Runtime and technologies like Flash and HTML is good for the casual developer. Find out how other Linux developers feel.

Evaluation Form: Microsoft’s MIX 2008 reviewed

Microsoft used its annual developer event to discuss changes to Silverlight and its move to more of a utility-based model. Our reporter goes behind the scenes to assess whether it was worth attending

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Ricoh is a global information management and digital services company. For more than 85 years Ricoh technology, creativity, and expertise has helped businesses around...